Feicheng Taixi Nonwoven Materials Co., Ltd bụ onye otu China Geosynthetics Engineering Association, China Nonwovens na Industrial Textiles Association, Membrane Industry Association of China na Shandong Textile and Apparel Association, onye na-eweta ihe akụrụngwa nke CCCC na Ụlọ Ọrụ Mmiri Shanghai, na ahọpụtara onye na-eweta CIC Mutual Trade OBOR International Trade Platform.
Ụlọ ọrụ ahụ nwere ikike mbubata na mbupụ onwe ya, yana azụmahịa ya gụnyere geotextiles, geomembranes, akpa geomold, geogrids, geocells, bentonite composite waterproof blankets (bentonite geosynthetic ụrọ liner), ihe mejupụtara drainage geonets, ihe na-agbanwe agbanwe na-agbanwe agbanwe, polyester fiber kwalitere net . elu ụgbọ elu, geomats ahịhịa akụkụ atọ, blanketị nzacha ụlọ ọrụ, akwa ụlọ na ngwaahịa ndị ọzọ.The ụlọ ọrụ nwere ISO9001, ISO4001 na ISO45001 asambodo, na ngwaahịa e rere n'ụwa nile na exported na USA, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Vietnam, Pakistan, North Korea, na mba ndị ọzọ na mpaghara.